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CUI Zhi-He, CAO Jun, YANG Xiao-Lin, ZHANG Xiao-Yi, QUAN Xin, DONG Yi-Peng.
Reliability Test and Evaluating Methods of Port Quick Leak Detector for Manned Spacecraft
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WANG Xi-Qin, LI Kai, LUAN Zhi-Qiang, YE Ping-Wei.
Research on CO2 Adsorption Characteristics of Hydrophobic ZSM-5 Adsorbent
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Reliability Verification Test Methods of a Connecting/Separating Mechanism for Manned Spacecraft
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On-orbit Maintainability System Design forManned Spacecraft
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Experiment Study of Fluid Loop System on Manned Spaceship
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Fan Hanlin1 Sun Meng1 Li Tanqiu2 Wu Zhiqiang2 Zhang Kan1 Pan Wei1(1 Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100094)(2 Astronaut Center of China,Beijing 100094).
Research on Thermal Test Methods for Extravehicular Mobility Unit
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Empirical Dynamic Model for Deflation Process of Shen-Zhou Manned Spacecraft
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Investigation and Analysis for Landing Impact on Buffer Seat System
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Scheme of Fluid Loop System on Manned Spacecraft for Transport
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Heat Transfer of Air Forced Convection with Dropping Atmosphere Pressure in Manned Spacecraft Cabin
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Reliability Test Methods of Spacecraft Mechanisms
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