Chinese Space Science and Technology

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State Least-square Estimation of Relative Orbit Modification Point for Following Spacecraft

Guo Bibo1,2 Liang Bin1 Qiu Yue1 Qiang Wenyi2(1 Institute of Space Intelligent System,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001)(2 Astronautics School,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001)   

  • Online:2008-12-25
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Abstract: The relative navigation of long-term following spacecraft in near-circular orbit was researched.For relative orbit modification at fixed time,the least-square estimation was used to derive the relative position and velocity of the fixed time.Based on the feature of model error,the algorithm was improved by weighted least-square.The new algorithm was simply and flexible.Numerical simulation result shows that the performance of the weighted least-square estimation is comparative with that of the Kalman filter,and the precision of the relative state estimation satisfies orbit modification for long-term following spacecraft.