Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Study of Influence Factors of Ground Ventilation and Heat Exchange Performance of Drawer Standard Chassis

Han Haiying1 Jiang Jun1 Cao Jianfeng1 Liu Qiang2(1 China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)(2 China Aerospace Science & Technology Corporation,Beijing 100830)   

  • Online:2008-10-25

Abstract: The ventilation and heat exchange performance of Drawer Standard Chassis in two type inlet and outlet modes were tested and simulated.The influence of inlet flux and width of ventilation hole and nature convection on heat exchange performance of standard chassis was studied.The test results show that,increasing inlet flux and decreasing width of ventilation hole within a scale are main ways to improve the heat exchange performance of standard chassis.Moreover,because heat exchange performance of standard chassis in orbit is better than or same with that in ground at the same states,design parameters which meet heat exchange demand in ground would also satisfy to the requirement of orbit operation.