Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Effect of Midnight Solar Intrusion on Temperature of Second Mirror Assembly of FY-4 Radiometer

Liu Zhenyu1 Cheng Huier1 Sun Jingliang2(1 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240)(2 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology,Shanghai 200235)   

  • Online:2008-10-25

Abstract: The thermal calculating model of radiometer on the meteorological satellite FY-4 was established and temperature variations of the second mirror assembly were calculated by I-DEAS/TMG software.The effect of midnight solar intrusion on the temperature of the second mirror assembly was investigated.The calculation results show the highest temperature of the second mirror occurs during the period of local midnight when the solar declination is 0°or 23.45°.When the solar declination is 8.8°,the midnight solar intrusion has more effects on the temperature of the spider and housing of second mirror assembly than that of any other period.