Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Zhu Renzhang Hu Xiting(Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083)
Abstract: Fast transfer strategies between V-bar holding points for the closing phase of spacecraft rendezvous were investigated in terms of C-W solutions.Bidirectional thrusters have to be used to execute transfer between V-bar holding points within half of the orbital period.For this reason,five bidirectional-thrust maneuvers were presented: 1) bidirectional impulses at the beginning and end points,2) bidirectional continuous thrusts during the transfer,3) bidirectional impulses at the beginning point and bidirectional continuous thrusts during the transfer,4) bidirectional continuous thrusts during the transfer and bidirectional impulses at the end-point,5) tangential impulses at the beginning and end points and radial continuous thrust during the transfer(straight line transfer).All the five maneuvers have good safety.Their free-flight trajectories can not enter into the safety area centered at the mass center of the target vehicle in case that any maneuver thruster has failure.The bidirectional-impulse maneuver has the lowest velocity increment and the maximum visual angle.The straight line transfer has the visual angle equal to zero,but it consumes more propulsion when the transfer time T>0.292P(P is the orbital period).Thus,it's better to choose the bidirectional-impulse maneuver,if the visual angle can meet system design requirements.When the transfer time T<0.292P,the straight line transfer can be considered as an alternative.
Zhu Renzhang Hu Xiting(Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083). Fast Transfer Maneuvers between Holding Points in the Closing Phase of Spacecraft Rendezvous[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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