Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Ground-based Investigations of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Behaviors of Organic Protective Coatings

Zhang Lei~1 Yan Chuanwei~1 Chen Rongmin~1 Jin Yanli~2Sun Gang~3 Tong Jingyu~3 Pang Hewei~3(1 Institute of Metal Research,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110016)(2 Navy Equipment Department,Militray Deputy Part to Shenyang,Shenyang 110031)(3 Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering,Beijing 100029)   

  • Online:2007-02-25

Abstract: For the protected polymers in aerospace,the surface change of organic protective coatings in the vacuum ultraviolet radiation was investigated.The results show that VUV irradiation makes organic coatings produce mass loss,whose amount is in large quantity at initial stage and does not almost increase again as the extension of exposure.It is obviously that color of organic coatings except Siloxane have great change.So Siloxane is better in resistance to photo-aging than the others,VUV irradiation can case scission of various chemical bonds in polymers,for example,C-N,Si-CH_3,C-C,epoxy ring,but others such as SI-0,benzene ring,C=O are relatively stable under the environment of VUV irradiation.