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Orbit Dynamics Analysis of Solar Spacecraft

Wang Songxia Xu Shijie Chen Tong School of Astronautics,Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083   

  • Online:2006-04-25

Abstract: A sail force control algorithm is proposed,first analyzing the acceleration components to determine which one affects the orbit elements most and then continuously orienting the sail to maximize the solar radiation pressure SRP force along the direction of this component.Then through the analysis of the interactional relations of the orbit elements when they are modified,a control strategy is proposed to correct several orbit deviations at the same time.The oblateness perturbation of the Earth J_2 term only,as well as the gravitational perturbation of the sun and the moon is considered in the numerical simulation,while atmospheric drag and shadowing effects of the Earth are neglected.Numerical results indicate that using a solar sail to fulfill the task of orbit corrections is feasible.Furthermore,an appropriate orientation of the sun is a necessary condition of quick and efficient orbit modification.