Chinese Space Science and Technology

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The Dynamic Simulation of the Virtual Prototype of the Two-axes Position Mechanism for Satellite Antennas

Li Changjiang(China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100086)Liao Ying Liao Chaowei Feng Xiangjun(Institute of Aerospace and Material Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073)   

  • Online:2005-10-25

Abstract: Firstly,the work principle of the two-axes position mechanism for(satellite) antennas is indicated.A solid model of the two-axes position mechanism is built based on the(analysis) and simplification to the system.Then,the method of building the virtual prototype model based on the solid model is brought forth.Finally,the simulation results and the deep-going(analyzing)(conclusions) are showed,which provided the useful suggestions to the optimal design of the physical prototype of the two-axes position mechanism for satellite antennas.