Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Liu Zhiquan Ji Jingquan (China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094)
Abstract: In order to meet the requirements of EVA (Extra-Vehicular-Activity)and RVD (RendzVous and Docking) of manned space vehicles, it is necessary to develop a hatch mechanism with high reliability and good seal performance which can be operated by both electromotion and manual. Based on analyses of the hatch characteristics of manned space vehicles, a new design project for the electric latching mechanism of the hatch is put forward. The switch mechanism used to transfer the modes of electric/manual operation is designed, which make the manual mode separate from electromotion. By software Pro/E, the models of hatch mechanism parts are constructed and assembled. Kinematic simulation on the hatch mechanism is carried out with software ADAMS. The simulation results show that the new electric/manual hatch can realize its motion correctly and has the advantage of simple structure, little resistance force and high transmission efficiency.
Liu Zhiquan Ji Jingquan (China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094). Study on an Electric/Manual Hatch for the Manned Space Vehicles[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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