Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Study for Gimbal Magnetic Suspension Momentum Wheel

Wu Gang * Zhang Yulin ** Liu Kun * Cheng Moushen * Xiao Kai *(* National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073)(** Academy of Equipment Command & Technology, Beijing 101416)   

  • Online:2004-08-25
  • Supported by:
    “十五”国防预研资助项目 ,项目编号 :413 2 0 0 5 0 3 0 1

Abstract: Fly wheel system is widely used in majority of spacecrafts to control three axes attitude recently. Its precision is higher than that of small thruster system. But the magnetic suspension momentum wheel has better performance than the conventional ball bearing momentum wheel in spacecraft attitude control. The gimbal magnetic suspension momentum wheel developed from the ordinary one can adjust the angular orientation of its spin axis and complete three axes attitude control in high precision separately, which has great value in practice. Simultaneously, the study for gimbal magnetic suspension momentum wheel can benefit the integrated power and attitude control system technologically. This paper describes the research status and development of the gimbal magnetic suspension momentum wheel in detail. Then the key technologies are analyzed. Finally the example of structure design is introduced.