Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Study on the Doppler/SINS Integrated Navigation System Based on the Assistance of RDSS

Lin Xueyuan * Zhang Limin * Liu Jianye ** Li Yuguang * (* Navigation research center, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016) (** Naval Aeronautics Engineering Academy, Yantai 264001)   

  • Online:2004-02-25

Abstract: The advantages of the integrated navigation system of Doppler/SINS are less output level velocity errors and less errors of level angles, but the bigger shortcoming is longitude and latitude errors. So it can not be used as the unique navigation positioning system. The Double-Star positioning system (RDSS) can output the longitude and latitude information with hiqher precision, but with the shortcoming of position lag. lf the output level velocities of the Doppler/SINS integrated navigation system are used to compensate for the position lag of RDSS then RDSS after compensated can correct the Doppler/SINS system in real time. The simulation results show that the Doppler/SINS system based on the assistance of RDSS can effectively overcome the shortcoming of the Doppler/SINS system, and is a new integrated navigation system which can be used in the case that needs the high precision of navigation position.