Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Study of Performance and Stability of Flexible Satellite Thermal Control Materials

Lu Yusun * Fan Benyao ** Feng Yudong * Zhai Houming * Wang Yi * ( *Lanzhou Institute of Physics, Lanzhou 730000) ( ** Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100081)$$$$   

  • Online:2002-12-25

Abstract: In China,the flexible thermal control materials have been researched and developed for over 15 years. Performance of the thermal control material and its stability under the simulated space environments is discussed. The results of measuring and testing indicated that optical, thermal and electrical performance of the products is good. Especially, its stability for example, UV radiation, electron beam irradiation, atomic oxygen action and in wet thermal store ambient is also excellent. The AFM analysis show that the methods and technology of preparing TO and high reflectance Al films are very important. At the same time, the thermal control materials punched with holes are developed successfully.