Chinese Space Science and Technology

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A Discussion on the Development Goal of Manned Space Flight in China

Wang Xiji (Chinese Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100081)   

  • Online:2002-08-25

Abstract: Reviewing the forty years history of manned space flight, people may find some round about courses for many reasons, among which the main one is how to choose the development goal reasonably.To develop manned space flight has six goals: development of resources of microgravity environment in space, development of resources of space orbit energy, development of resources of lunar energy, development of space based space flight and usage of resources of space positions, expanding living space of human beings on moon, expanding living space of human beings on Mars. This paper analyzes the experience and lessons of current international manned space flight. In view of China's situation, this paper believes that the goal of China's manned space flight should be the development and usage of resources of microgravity environment or space based space flight.