Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Arcjet-Engine Performance Test Using Hydrogen/Nitrogen Mixtures as Propellant

Wu Hanji Feng Xuezhang Jiang Yuanda Zhang Zhiyuan Liu Wenxi Ma Yuli (Center for Space Science & Applied Research, Academia Sinica,Beijing 100080)$$$$   

  • Online:2002-08-25
  • Supported by:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目 ;;编号 :596860 0 1

Abstract: The results of Arcjet engine performance test using Hydrogen/Nitrogen mixture (with simulating the decomposition products of hydrazine) with a pulse width modulated (PWM) power source are summarized. Tests show that the PWM power source runs stably and the DHSL 1 and DHSL 2 engines can be operated under the conditions of using Hydrogen/Nitrogen mixture as propellant, but the performance obtained from tests are somewhat lower due to internal leak of the engine seals at the high temperature.