Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Structure Design and Finite Element Calculation of KM6 Manned Test Chamber

Chen Jinming  Huang Bencheng  Yuan Xiugan  Wang Li  Cao Yuzhong  (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, Beijing 100029) (Beijing Universitg of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083)   

  • Online:2002-06-25

Abstract: KM6 manned test chamber is developed for the Chinese manned space environment testing in a simulated space environment. The design for the manned test chamber is introduced in the paper, and the design is optimized with the method of finite element calculation. The final chamber structure and the results of the finite element optimizing calculation is afforded. The ultimate pressure in the chamber reached 5 2×10 -4 Pa. The design of the test chamber meets the demands for structure design.