Chinese Space Science and Technology

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High-Frequency Response Research of Beam Structure

Han Zengyao Qu Guangji (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:2001-10-25

Abstract: The high-frequency response characters of a simple-sup po rted beam is obtained by NASTRAN. The result is strongly influenced by the mesh size. The comparison based on FEM, SEA and the closed form solution reveals th e effectiveness of SEA in the prediction of high-frequency response. Next, the energy transmission between two coupled beams is obtained through FEM, and then the CLF used by SEA is built. The method is verified through the comparison bet ween FEM and SEA in order to establish a new method which get the SEA parameter by FEM. Last, the effects of concentrated mass and boundary condition are consi dered. Subject Term Finite element method Beam structure Response High frequency Statistical energy analysis