Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Li Guoqiang Jia Hong Liu Qiang (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100086)
Abstract: In order to maintain the long life and high reliability of satellites,suitable temperature range and relative small temperature gradient between each component of a CCD camera must be controlled accurately.By therma l analysis for the CCD camera,some factors affecting the temperature distribution of the camera have been analyzed.The abovementioned factors include:thermal co n trolling mode,heat leak from the multilayer insulations (MLI),transient and stea dy numeric method,the flying season of the satellite and the performace degradat ion of thermal material. Subject Term Charge coupled device camera Temperature distribution Thermal analysis
Li Guoqiang Jia Hong Liu Qiang (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100086). Analysis for Some Factors Affecting the Temperature Distribution of a CCD Camera[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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