Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Behaviors of Addition Type Silicone Thermal Control Coatings in Space Environment Simulated

Tan Bien(Beijing Institute of Aeronautic Materials,Beijing 100095)Zeng Yibing Shi Suxing Zhang Lianzheng (Institute of Aerospace Materials and Processing,Beijing 100076)   

  • Online:2001-08-25

Abstract: The behaviors of thermal control coating in a simulated space environment are determined.The property changes of silicone thermal control coatings during the UV exposed process and electron exposed process are monitored in-situ.The property changes of different materials are compared.SEM observes the morphology of coatins.ZnO covered with K 2SiO 3 has different effects on property of coatings for both silicone rubber adhesives and silicone resin adhesives,and different bleach phenomenon is observed and its reason is discussed in briefly.