Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Optimization Calculation of Shaped Beam in Satellite Multiple-Beam Antennas

Zhang Yixi Fu Junmei Wang Wenbing (Electromagnetic and Communication Laboratory, Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049)   

  • Online:2001-06-25
  • Supported by:
    国防基金资助!项目 ( 99JS63 .4 .1 JW0 80 4 )

Abstract: The principle and mathematical model of satellite multiple-beam antenna are introduced.Then it is proved that pattern synthesis is essentially an optimizationproblem and the two feasible optimization algorithms,the least pth algorithm and Minimax algorithm ,are used to synthesize patterns for a square area and Chinese map respectively.Finally the simulation results of these two algorithms are presented and discussed in detail.