Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Xu Fuxiang (Chinese Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100081)
Abstract: The management structure & methods will have a certain effect on the development of national satellite engineering , they must accord with not only their own development rule but also the changing situation of the country. Management status quo about Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST), the producer of most chinese satellites, is introduced. Inadaptabilities to the changing situation of country and its own developmental rule are analysed in some aspects ,such as management structure & method, management mode of satellite project, establishment of quality system, organi zing of assembling & measuring and management of batch manufacture. The optional countermeasures are searched by comparing the domestic situation with the overseas correlative situation. Same clear & idiographic suggestions are introduced.
Xu Fuxiang (Chinese Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100081). Exploring the Satellite Project's Management Structure and Methods Suitable for the National Conditions[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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