Chinese Space Science and Technology

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An Object-Oriented Analysis Method for Liquid Rocket Engine System

Huang Weidong (Naval Academy of Aeronautical Engineering,Yantai 264001) Wang Kechang Chen Qizhi (National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073)$$$$   

  • Online:2000-08-25

Abstract: An object oriented analysis method for liquid rocket engine system is stu died ,and the concepts and structure of three types of generalized components named as function component,checking component and system regulator are presented.The proces ses of dividing up and sequential calculation for the actual system are described,and the mathematical description of the method is given clearly.Applying the method to engine configuration study,the general methods for engine cycle power balance calculation and static characteristic analysis are established,and the methods are also achieved by object oriented programming.The engine configuration can be analyzed accurately and quickly with these programs.