Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Kinematic Singularity and its Research Progress in Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope Systems

Wu Zhong Wu Hongxin (Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100080) Chou Wusheng (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083)$$$$   

  • Online:2000-06-25
  • Supported by:
    国家自然科学基金! ( 69584 0 0 8);; 航天工业总公司预研课题资助项目

Abstract: The kinematic singularity principle of Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope (SGCMG) systems is introduced and the survey of research progress in kinematic singularity is made.It is concluded that recognization of the singular principle is too simple to meet the need of nonsingular steering in SGCMG systems at present.It is pointed out that distribution and avoidability of singular points in gimbal space will be the main focus in the future.