Chinese Space Science and Technology

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An Experimental Investigation on Porous Plate Water Sublimator

Wu Zhiqiang Yuan Xiugan (Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,Beijing 100083) Han Lijun Shen Liping Li Tanqiu (Institute of Space Medico-Engineering of China,Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:2000-04-25
  • Supported by:

Abstract: The manufacturing techniques of porous plates are developed. The breadboard and tester of water sublimator are designed. An experimental investigation is carried out on water sublimator with different porous plates. The attention is focused on the effects of input temperature and flow of hot fluid, physical parameters of porous plate, pressure of feed water and placement on performance of sublimator. Test results prove the basic design concept of sublimator is feasible. Finally, some useful conclusions about further design of sublimator are presented.