Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Sun Gang Tong Jingyu Li Jinhong (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering,Beijing 100029)
Abstract: By using an advanced Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) technical, an ion source with 10 15 /(cm 3·s) has been attained. On the base of it, a new atomic oxygen simulator is developed successfully. There are deceleration and neutralization systems in this simulator, so that oxygen ion beam with high velocity can been converted into oxygen atom beam with low velocity. Energy and types of the particles in this simulator are similar that of LEO. Thus a real simulation of Low Earth Orbital environment is accomplished.
Sun Gang Tong Jingyu Li Jinhong (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering,Beijing 100029). The Deceleration and Neutralization Systems for Microwave Dischange Atomic Oxygen Simulation[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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