Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Ma Shengge Da Daoan Zhang Dixin( Lanzhou Institute of Physics, Lanzhou 730000)
Abstract: In this paper, the concave hem isphericalw ake shield facility ( C H W S F) isstudied w hich is in the state of steady, non uniform w ith the closed sphericaltheoreticalm odel. The distribution ofthe m olecularnum berdensity ofthe experim entalzone is calcu lated and the m ain effect factors are discussed. The result show s thatthe C H W S Fcan ob tain extrem e high vacuum levelw hose m olecular num ber density is about 108m - 3,the m aincontribution to the m olecular num ber density com es from the outgas ofthe C H W S F, andthe increasem ent of the coherent coefficient of the C H W S F can't effectively im prove thevacuum levelon occasion of absence ofgasload.
Ma Shengge Da Daoan Zhang Dixin( Lanzhou Institute of Physics, Lanzhou 730000). Theoretical Calculation of Molecular Flow Fieldfor the Concave Hem ispherical W ake Shield Facility[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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