Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Liu Qiang Zhang Zhongzhao Zhang Naitong( Harbin Institute of Technology, Com m unication Research Center, Harbin 150001)
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Abstract: First, the requirem ent of the space station is introduced. Based on this, the space stationinternalcom m unication system is constructed w ith the A T M netw ork and the A T M , M I L S T D 1553 B and I E E E802 4 netw orks analyzed in detail. At last,the sim ulation m odelis builtup using the sim ulation plat form and the results are given as the basis of the space station internalcom m unication system .
Liu Qiang Zhang Zhongzhao Zhang Naitong( Harbin Institute of Technology, Com m unication Research Center, Harbin 150001). Space Station Internal Com m unication System w ith the A T M Network[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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