Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Measurem ent of Spectral Em issivity of Ablators and Calculation of Total High Tem perature Em issivity

Jiang Weihui Xiao Xingcheng Hu Xingfang( Shanghai Institute of Ceram ics, C A S, Shanghai200050) Wu Guoting( Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:1999-08-25

Abstract: Medium tem perature spectral em issivity of three kinds of ablators w erem easured by using radiom etry. The m ethod for com puting totalhigh tem perature em issivi ty ofthe ablators according to theirm edium tem perature spectralem issivity presented. Inaddition, a form ula w as derived to calculate totalem issivity on the basis of em issivity invarious ranges of w avelength.