Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Xu Fuxiang (Chinese Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100081)
Abstract: The three axis stabilized Earth oriented attitude control system adopted by FY 1 meteorological satellites represents an active control concept.Two satellites have been launched,namely FY 1A and FY 1B.Based on FY 1A's main attitude control system and with the addition of a set of backup system,FY 1B has taken a series of redundancy measures and designed an all directional attitude reacquisition method as failure countermeasures.The system's design has proved to be perfect and successful via flight test and on orbit trouble emergency removing.The maiden use of reaction wheel control,bias momentum control,magnetic nutation precession,wheel unloading control,and all directional attitude reacquisition has achieved fairly good results,thus accumulating valuable experiences for the design of long life satellite attitude control systems.
Xu Fuxiang (Chinese Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100081). ATTITUDE CONTROL SYSTEM OF FY 1B SATELLITE[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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