Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Dong Shuanglin (Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology, Beijing 100029)Li Linfan(Beijing Institute of Space Machine and Electricity, Beijing 100076)   

  • Online:1996-04-25

Abstract: wing to the limitation of vertical resolution of observation data and different practical requirements, there are several different schemes and results for statistical analysis of vertical shears of wind. Therefore, how to analyze and use these schemes and results correctly become a very important problem to be solved urgently. This paper analyzed differential shear, mean shear for a layer with determined thickness, difference shear-the vertical shear of mean wind for a layer with determined thickness, and their differences for different functions as altitude. In this paper, effects of layer thickness, measuring mean time of wind, techniques of vertical interpolations of wind on the shears were discussed. The layer thickness depends on practical requirements, so vertical shear of wind is not a pure meteorological element.Besides, extremes of vertical shears of wind were estimated.