Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Wang Yi;Wu Delong(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering,Beijing 100076)
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Abstract: n this paper,some research works on numerical method and programto the mathematics model in reference[1]are presented.The local floating coordinatesystem is employed to describe the deployment motion of each component and the normal substructure modals is cut off to describe the flexibility of the components.Thenumerical integration method TREANOR and the mixed procedure are selected tosolve the differential-algebric equations obtained by Kane's method for flexible multibody dynamics of large deployable mechanisms of spqce station.Some discussions onthe establishment of the constraint equations,the selection of independent coordinatesand the ill-condition of the dynamics equations are given.Finally the computer software PFMBDAS is compiled and some numerical exapmples are illustrated.
Wang Yi;Wu Delong(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering,Beijing 100076). NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF FLEXIBLEMULTI-BODY DYNAMICS FOR LARGE DEPLOYABLEMECHANISMS OF SPACE STATION[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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