Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Ji Changwei;Du Yuanhu; Rong Jili; Huang Wenhu(Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 )
Abstract: The paper presents a diagnosis method based on fault tree model andrealizes a diagnostic system. First, a hierarchical diagnosis model is presented and acertain reasoning strategy and a possible reasoning strateyg are proposed. Secondly, afault tree-objected and frame and generalized rule based hybrid knowledge representation method is presented. Finally, the diagnostic system is realized in BORLANDC+ +, using COMPAQ 486 with WINDOWS operating platform, and demonstrated bydiagnosing a circuit testbed.
Ji Changwei;Du Yuanhu; Rong Jili; Huang Wenhu(Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 ). A DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM BASED ONFAULT TREE MODEL[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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