Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Lu Yusun Li Hua Cai Cun (Lanzhou Institute of Physics)
Abstract: SB-3,which possesses high extinction,absorption and emissionabilities,is a black organic painting of controlling thermal balance of asatellite.In order to increase its conductivity and prevent from the cha-rge accumulation on satellite surface,some conductive agents are addedinto the painting,It is necessary that the useful painting in spacetechnology is observed and researched carefully.The performance and theregularity of charge on the painting sarface can be indicated by meansof evaluation.And the evaluation is also favourable for modification ofthe painting and its application to satellite.
Lu Yusun Li Hua Cai Cun (Lanzhou Institute of Physics). EVALUATION ON CONDUCTIVE STABILITY OF THERMAL CONTROL PAINTING SB-3[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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