Chinese Space Science and Technology

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Deng Zhenkun (Center for Space Science and Applied Research,Academia Sinica,Beijing)   

  • Online:1993-02-25

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to compare practically the dif-ferences of radiation temperatures between two methods,one is by recordingthe thermal status of the Earth and its atmosphere as a whole by a radia-tive spot source,and the other is by considering the Earth as a surfacesource by dividing it into several hundreds belts.We measure the tempe-rature changes of the sun and the cosmic environment respectively to get the knowledge of the thermal status of the Earth surface and its atmos-phere and also get the information about energy transpotation from the sunto the Earth or the cosmic space,thus we could study the thermal effectsreflected on the Earth by large scale terrestrial catastrophic events,such asvolcanic eruptions,earthquake calamities,climatic changes etc.,We detectthe dissipative structure of the Earth in space under the non-balancingthermal conditions(in the solar system,the solar temperature is 6000K;on the Earth the temperature is 300K and the temperature of the spacebackground is 3K)and study the auto-collected and auto-organizedphenomena under this status of physical mechanics events(the generationprocess of catastrophic events on the Earth),therefore we can establisha new branch of learning which is called non-balanced space thermody-namics and make it as an experiment science.The emphasis of this paperis to introduce the detecting methods used for above purposes and thefuture prospect of application.