Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Yang Weiyuan (CAST)
Abstract: In the process of satellite development,11 types of InterfaceData Sheets(IDS)may be used in order to improve the management ofinterface data of satellite equipment.They are.1.Machanical characte-ristics;2.Equipment scheme;3.Thermal characteristics;4.Thermalscheme;5.Electrical power;6.Interface electrical characteristics;7.Electrical block diagram;8.List of connectors;9.Pin assignments ofconnectors;10.List of telemetry;11.List of telecommands.They containall the data representing full interface characteristics of equipment.Bythem,strict configuration management may be reached.This paper presentsthe contents of these data sheets and the problems that may be encounteredin use.
Yang Weiyuan (CAST). MANAGEMENT OF INTERFACE DATA IN SATELLITE DEVELOPMENT[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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