Chinese Space Science and Technology
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Qi Faren (CAST) L.Laux M.Reindl N.Nathrath H.G.Schnell (MBB,Germany)
Abstract: In July 1987 a cooperation contract between China GreatWall Industry Corporation and MBB was signed for the procurement of ma-jorelements of the Chinese C-band communication satellite DFH-3.Development and manufacture of the mechanical solar array and the com-munication antenna form part of this contract,related technical and prog-rammatic aspects are described.The design of the mechanical solar array isbased on flight proven technics.With this experience and a computer aideddesign optimization the severe mass and stiffness requirements could be satis-fied.The communication antenna for the coverage of the People's Republic ofChina is a specific development for DFH-3.Combined transmit/receive func-tion and full polarization multiplexing are the major features that have beenrealized by a polarization sensitive reflector assembly fed by two 7-hornarray clusters,each accommodated by a support structure.An extensive testprogramme proves compliance of electrical and structural performances withthe specifications.
Qi Faren (CAST) L.Laux M.Reindl N.Nathrath H.G.Schnell (MBB,Germany). MECHANICAL SOLAR ARRAY AND ANTENNA FOR THE CHINESE DFH-3 SATELLITE SYSTEM[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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