中国空间科学技术 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 79-86.doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2023.0071

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  1. 北京空间飞行器总体设计部 空间智能机器人系统技术与应用北京市重点实验室,北京100094

  • 发布日期:2023-09-12 出版日期:2023-10-25

Maintenance system design and verification for space station manipulator end-effector

ZHU Chao,ZHANG Wenming,HU Chengwei,TANG Zixin,LIANG Changchun,KONG Xu,LI Delun,WANG Youyu,ZENG Lei,ZHANG Xinrui   

  1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Space Robotic System Technology and Applications,Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100094,China
  • Online:2023-09-12 Published:2023-10-25

摘要: 维修对空间站机械臂寿命延长意义重大。针对空间站机械臂末端执行器的维修问题,调研了国际空间站已完成的在轨维护维修任务,提出了一种空间站机械臂末端执行器维修系统方案,采用四方协同作业的方式,分3次出舱在特定的维修区域开展机械臂末端执行器的系统性维修,提出了末端执行器故障处置方案、维修策略、维修工具、维修流程和验证方法,搭建了一套虚拟维修仿真平台,针对末端执行器典型的操作动作进行了维修仿真验证,同时在地面搭建模拟维修场景对机械臂末端执行器维修进行了试验验证。结果表明机械臂末端执行器维修的可操作性、可达性、可视性、安全性均满足要求。可以为后续空间站机械臂维修工作提供设计指导。

关键词: 空间站机械臂, 末端执行器, 维修系统, 试验验证, 协同作业

Abstract:  Maintenance is very important to extend the life span of the space station robotic arm.Aiming at the maintenance of the end effector of the robotic arm of the space station,the onorbit maintenance and repair tasks that have been completed on the International Space Station were investigated,and a scheme for the maintenance of the end effector of the robotic arm of the space station was proposed.Using the method of four-party collaborative operation,the system was carried out in a specific maintenance area to carry out systematic maintenance of the end effector of the robotic arm.The endeffector fault handling plan,maintenance strategy,maintenance tools,maintenance process and verification method were put forward,and a set of virtual maintenance simulation platform was built.The typical operation actions of the endeffector were verified by maintenance simulation,and the maintenance of the end effector of the manipulator was tested and verified by building a simulated maintenance scene on the ground.The results show that the operability,accessibility,visibility and safety of the maintenance of the end effector of the manipulator all meet the requirements.It can provide design guidance for the followup space station robotic arm maintenance work.

Key words:  , space manipulator;endeffector;maintenance system;testverification;collaborative operation