中国空间科学技术 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 124-134.doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2025.0012

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陈翔1,2,王小丽2,孙冬全3,双龙龙2,胡天存1,2,崔万照1,2,*,LEI Wang4   

  1. 1.空间微波通信全国重点实验室,西安710100
    3.西安电子科技大学 物理学院,西安710071
    4.School of Engineering, Lancaster University, LA1 4YW Lancaster, UK
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-10 修回日期:2023-11-28 录用日期:2024-01-05 发布日期:2025-01-23 出版日期:2025-02-01

Passive intermodulation and its key technology in space microwave communication

CHEN Xiang1,2,WANG Xiaoli2,SUN Dongquan3,SHUANG Longlong2,HU Tiancun1,2,CUI Wanzhao1,2,*, LEI Wang4   

  1. 1.National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Space Microwave, Xi’an 71000, China
    2.Xi’an Institute of Space Radio Technology, Xi’an 71000, China
    3.School of Physics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China 
    4.School of Engineering, Lancaster University, LA1 4YW Lancaster, UK
  • Received:2023-06-10 Revision received:2023-11-28 Accepted:2024-01-05 Online:2025-01-23 Published:2025-02-01

摘要: 无源互调(Passive Intermodulation,PIM)是大功率多通道微波通信系统中一种常见的干扰现象。PIM干扰对具备收发天线共用体制、高发射功率、高接收灵敏度等特点的航天微波通信有着严重威胁。PIM在航天通信系统中普遍且长期存在,有效解决PIM问题是相关通信载荷顺利研制和在轨安全运行的先决条件。中国下一代空间通信应用中,极高发/收比PIM问题更为复杂多样,PIM干扰控制成为航天工程研制和发展中举足轻重的关键技术。该文从机理、分析预测、检测定位及抑制技术等方面,全面总结了PIM问题的特点及研究现状,探讨了解决PIM问题的关键技术,结合航天应用背景,深入分析了PIM研究重点及关键技术发展趋势,为航天工程中的PIM相关研究和技术应用提供一定的参考。

关键词: 微波通信, 无源互调(PIM), 非线性干扰, 微波部件, 低PIM技术

Abstract: Passive intermodulation (PIM) is a common interference of high power multi-channel microwave communication systems. PIM has serious harmful impact on space microwave communication with shared transceiver antenna, high transmitting power and high receiving sensitivity. PIM will widely exist in the space communication for a long time. Effective solving of PIM problems is the prerequisite for successful development and safe operation in-orbit of space communication payload. The PIM problem under ultra-high transmitting and receiving power ratio conditions will be more complicated in China′s next generation of space communication application, and PIM control has become an important key technology in research and development of space engineering. In this paper, the characteristics and research status of PIM problems are summarized from the aspects of mechanism, analysis and prediction, detection and localization, and suppression technology, and the key technology to solve PIM problem is discussed. Furthermore, the focus of PIM research and the development trend of key technologies are deeply analyzed, combining with the background of space application, which provides some references for the PIM research and technology application of space engineering.

Key words: microware communication, passive intermodulation (PIM), nonlinear interference, microwave components, low PIM technology