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Sun Huaisu
摘要: 在静止气象卫星系统中,从可见光与红外自旋一扫描辐射计(V1SSR)获得的原始数据首先要进行同步和缓冲,才能送向数据处理中心(DPC)。同步是为了恢复出象点有准确位置的好的图象,并可用来准确测量风速(一项重要的应用);而缓冲是为了数据传输和输入计算机的方便。从正确使用数据的观点看,同步和缓冲是系统中不可缺少的技术。本文介绍Meteosat和GMS两个气象卫星系统中被成功地应用着的同步和缓冲系统(S/DB),并对它们的性能和精度进行了分析。
Abstract: In geostationary meteorological satellite systems raw data obtained from visible infrared spin-scan radiometer (VISSR) has to be synchronized and buffered before it is sent to data processing center(OPC). Synchnonzation is necessary for recovering a good image in which the pixeles are precisely positioned and for the accurate measurement of wind speed which is a majorapplication of the data, and buffering is for easing data transmission and interconnectionwith computers.So, from the point of view of utilizing the data correctly, syn chronization and buffer are indispensable techniques in the systems. This paper presents the fundamental functions and the detailed features of the synchronizer/data buffer (S/DB) systems which have been successfully used in Meteosat and GMS systems.
孙怀苏. 静止气象卫星系统中的一项关键电子技术——图象信号的同步缓冲[J]. 中国空间科学技术.
Sun Huaisu. SYNCHRONIZATION AND BUFFER FOR IMAGE DATA[J]. Chinese Space Science and Technology.
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