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  1. 清华大学
  • 发布日期:1986-06-25


Gong Lian (Tsinghua University)   

  • Online:1986-06-25

摘要: <正> 一、电磁发射的回顾与新的起点1980年在美国圣地亚哥召开了第一次电磁发射技术会议。1983年10月由美国国防部高级研究计划署(DARPA)和美国电工与电子学会(IEEE)联合发起,在波士顿召开了第二次技术会议。第二次会议上,在对三位有贡献的人发奖的公告上写道:“自发明火药后,电磁发射技术可能作为脉冲功率技术领域最有意义的发明而出现。”电磁发射技术的特点是在很短的距离内,将投射体加速到高速,分布在整个被发射的推进器的长度内的电磁力能量高于爆炸能量的几十倍,且容易控制,仅受限于光速。其潜在的应

Abstract: Electromagnetic propulsion as a high-technology have been attempted by scientists for years. In the past ten years, the significant achievements in support technologies (energy storage, high velocity switching, high current density in sliding contacts and synchronization) make up the strong potential for pracitical electromagnetic launch (EML) technology.The advantages of the EML are. it can launch projectile to high velocity in a short distance, lower cost, less environmental damage and without the furel weight penalty.There are two approches. RAILGUNS, powered by low-voltage DC homopolar generators, and COAXIAL SYNCHRONOUS ACCELERATORS of drive coil configuration, which are more complex but mor flexible.Potential applications include the launching of aircraft from carriers and land bases, especially it can be used for disposing the nuclear waste to outer space, or a new generation of hypervelocity artillery for missile.Because of the evident meaning for military and civil purposes, both the U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) and a number of universities have been worked in developing EM launchers and obtained a good deal of achiermeats.