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  1. 南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京航空航天大学无人机研究院 南京210016,南京210016,南京210016,南京210016
  • 发布日期:2006-02-25

The Attitude Integrated Algorithm in Complete Integrated GPS/SINS Navigation System

Du Yaling Liu Jianye Xiong Zhi(Navigation Research Center,Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,Nanjing 210016)Jiang Yong(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Research Department,Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,Nanjing 210016)   

  • Online:2006-02-25
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摘要: 利用卡尔曼滤波的GPS/SINS全组合导航系统中,将IMU量测的平台误差角简单的近似为姿态误差角,会带来较大的数学模型误差。文章通过分析姿态组合算法中平台误差角与姿态误差角物理意义的不同,得到了二者相互转换的关系式;从实际应用的角度出发,采用对观测向量预处理的方法,对姿态组合算法进行了改进,从而消除了数学模型误差,并且很容易进行工程实现。仿真结果表明使用改进后的姿态组合算法能够有效的提高全组合导航系统的精度。

关键词: 全球定位系统, 捷联式惯性导航, 组合导航, 姿态参数, 组合算法, 仿真

Abstract: The difference of platform angles error and attitude error are analysed,and the(conversion) matrix is gained.To take the application into account,the observations vector(pretreatment) instead of complicated attitude observation equation is used,to improve the attitude integrated algorithm.Then the system eliminates the math former errors,and realized very easy.The plentiful simulations results show that the improved attitude integrated algorithm can enhance the precision validly,