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  1. 北京跟踪与通信技术研究所 北京100094
  • 发布日期:2006-08-25

Selection and Analysis of Manned Spaceflight Landing Site

An Zhenhua(Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology,Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:2006-08-25

摘要: 根据载人航天的任务和特点,结合对着陆场的要求,从工程应用的角度出发,对中国载人航天着陆场进行了选择论证,并进行了综合分析;其正确性和可行性在多次无人飞行试验和两次载人飞行任务中得到实际考核和验证。

关键词: 载人航天, 着陆场, 选择, 分析

Abstract: A selection,demonstration and comprehensive analysis of China manned spaceflight landing site are proposed based on the missions and characterisiics of manned spaceflight,and(considering) the requirements for the landing site.Its correctness and feasibility have been examined and verificd through many experiments of unmanned spaceflight and twice manned spaceflight.