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  1. 北京控制工程研究所,北京控制工程研究所 北京100080,北京100080
  • 发布日期:2006-10-25

Cooperative Control of Two Flexible Manipulators Manipulating a Common Rigid Object

Lei Yongjun Wu Hongxin(Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100080)   

  • Online:2006-10-25
  • Supported by:
    国家973计划资助(No.2002CB312205);; 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(60034010)

摘要: 采用负载分配方法,将双柔性机械手协调搬运物体的控制分解为两个等效柔性机械手的运动与力混合控制的问题,同时表明当负载分配系数为常数时等效柔性机械手具有柔性机械手相同的动力学特性。然后通过等效刚性机械手的逆运动学求解出两等效柔性机械手的期望运动轨迹,并且采用输出重定义设计出两等效机械手的运动近似跟踪控制和力控制算法;最后,通过双柔性平面机械手协调搬运物体的仿真实例,说明了所提出的控制方案在柔性机械手协调控制中的有效性。

关键词: 柔性机械手, 控制, 运动学, 动力学

Abstract: With load distribution the control of two flexible manipulators manipulating a common rigid object is reduced into the individual control of two equivalent flexible manipulators.Meanwhile,it is demonstrated that the equivalent flexible manipulator has the same dynamic property as the actual flexible manipulator.The desired trajectory of each equivalent flexible manipulator is solved with the corresponding equivalent rigid manipulator respectively.And then,the controller of each manipulator for both trajectory approximately tracking and internal force regulating is designed respectively using the output redefinition.At last,a numerical simulation is performed on two flexible manipulators moving a common rigid object,and the results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in the design of the cooperative controller of flexible multi- manipulator.