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  1. 北京理工大学宇航科学技术学院,西昌卫星发射中心,北京理工大学宇航科学技术学院 北京100081,西昌615000,北京100081
  • 发布日期:2008-06-25

Stiffness Optimization of Space Manipulator Based on Mass Allocation

Jia Hongliang1 Yao Qiong2 Huang Qiang1 (1 School of Aerospace Science and Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081) (2 Xichang Satellite Launch Center,Xichang 615000)   

  • Online:2008-06-25

摘要: 刚度是空间机械臂的重要性能指标。在材料与构型确定的情况下,空间机械臂部件的刚度与部件的体积和质量正相关。由于空间机械臂的总质量受限,所以进一步提高刚度非常困难。文章提出一种在总质量一定的条件下,对空间机械臂的关节、臂杆等重要部件的质量指标进行优化分配,从而提高整体刚度的方法。在建立空间机械臂受力变形模型的基础上,通过分析部件受力变形与部件质量之间的关系,在总质量一定的约束条件下,以受力变形为目标函数,采用拉格朗日乘数法对部件的质量进行优化,得到使受力变形达到极小值的重要部件的质量指标。

关键词: 空间机械臂, 刚度, 优化, 质量分配

Abstract: The stiffness is a crucial problem for a space manipulator.It is very difficult to construct a high stiffness space manipulator with limited mass since high stiffness manipulator usually requires high expenditure on mass and volume.A method of stiffness optimization was presented to improve the stiffness of a space manipulator with limited mass.First,the stiffness model was established.Then,an optimization algorithm based on mass allocation was proposed.Finally,the optimum proportion between component mass and dimension was calculated.