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  1. 清华大学;
  • 发布日期:2008-12-25

Real-time Optimization Algorithm for LEO Satellite Network Service Area Allocation

Han Zhendong Wang Yue Ma Zhengxin Shan Xiuming(Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084)   

  • Online:2008-12-25
  • Supported by:

摘要: 在提供Internet和其他通信服务方面,能够覆盖全球的低轨道卫星网络正变得愈加重要。如何根据地面业务的时空分布不均来设计合理、高效的卫星服务区域分配机制是一个重要的挑战。文章分析了传统机制下卫星网络承载能力和业务分布之间的失配问题,提出了服务区域分配优化问题的数学模型,并据此设计了一种星上实时算法。仿真结果表明,采用该算法后卫星网络业务分配不均衡程度有所减轻,阻塞概率大大降低,网络性能和容量得到了明显改善。

关键词: 低轨道, 卫星网络, 服务区域, 实时优化算法

Abstract: Due to its global coverage,LEO(Low-Earth-Orbit) satellite network is becoming more and more important for providing Internet and other services.However,a main technical challenge about LEO satellite is how to design a reasonable and efficient mechanism to optimize its Service Area Allocation.The difference between Footprint and Service Area were analyzed.It pointed out that the traditional allocation mechanism would lead to the mismatch between service requirements and LEO satellite network capacity.To improve the situation,an on-board real-time Service Area Optimization Algorithm(SAOA) was proposed and the simulation results prove that,SAOA can alleviate the mismatch between service requirements and network capacity,reduce the blocking probability and improve the network performance significantly.