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  1. 北京卫星信息工程研究所;
  • 发布日期:2009-10-25

Study on Relative Radiometric Calibration of the Spatially Modulated Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer

Yao Lele Zhao Wei Fan Shiming(Beijing Institute of Satellite Information Engineering,Beijing 100086)   

  • Online:2009-10-25

摘要: 空间调制干涉光谱成像仪不同于其他类型光谱成像仪,其得到的是包含地物空间信息和光谱信息的立方体干涉数据。该光谱成像仪由于原理特殊,在轨数据定标方法尚不成熟。文中介绍了一种基于统计思想来计算探测器CCD辐射模型的在轨相对辐射校正方法,并通过对"环境一号"A卫星上测得的实际在轨数据进行相应的处理,来验证该相对辐射校正处理效果。结果表明该方法可以达到修正CCD响应不均匀性、光场不均匀性和减小非线性相位偏移的双重作用,提高复原光谱的精度。

关键词: 光谱成像, 电荷耦合器件, 相对辐射校正, 光谱复原, 航天遥感

Abstract: The spatially modulated imaging Fourier transform spectrometer(SMIFTS) is different from other spectrometers.Its interference data cube consists of one dimensional spatial information and one dimensional spectral information of land.Because of its special theory,the on-board data calibration of SMIFTS is imperfect.A method of relative radiometric calibration was introduced to generate CCD models of the detectors,which was based on statistics method,and the real on board data of HJ-1A was used to validate it.The results indicate that the method can correct the difference of CCD response and the difference of the imported light field,reduce the nonlinear offsetting of phase,and can raise the precision of spectrum reproduction.