中国空间科学技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 111-119.doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2024.0044

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  1. 1.北京控制工程研究所,北京100094
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-26 修回日期:2023-01-06 录用日期:2023-01-08 发布日期:2024-06-05 出版日期:2024-06-25

An attitude control method of satellites with hybrid flywheel configuration for skew maneuvers

LEI Yongjun,LU Dongning,YUAN li,CHEN chao   

  1. 1.Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100094,China
    2.Science and Technology on Space Intelligent Control Laboratory,Beijing 100094,China
    3.China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094,China

  • Received:2022-10-26 Revision received:2023-01-06 Accepted:2023-01-08 Online:2024-06-05 Published:2024-06-25

摘要: 针对高稳定度轮控大型卫星因动量轮力矩小而难以满足侧摆成像任务需求问题,开展了混合轮系配置方案及控制方法研究。首先,提出常规轮系配置卫星滚动轴方向串联大力矩飞轮的混合配置方案,并设计飞轮开环前馈与常规动量轮闭环反馈相结合的控制策略;其次,设计以容许角动量最大量为权重的飞轮组前馈力矩分配律和具有角动量反馈的飞轮力矩跟踪控制方法,实现飞轮力矩合理分配及其模型不确定性导致输出力矩偏差抑制;然后,设计估计器对星体内外扰动力矩进行估计与补偿,以确保卫星高稳定度性能实现;最后,给出在轨应用情况,验证所提出方案及方法的有效性。在轨应用表明,采用该控制方法,有效缩短了整星侧摆稳定时间达100s以上,且非机动期间姿态稳定度优于3.75 ×10-5(°)/s。

关键词: 姿态控制, 混合轮系配置, 前馈控制, 动量轮, 大力矩飞轮

Abstract:  The combined configuration solution of momentum wheels and control methods for large satellites with high attitude stability performance were studied in this paper because the attitude maneuver duration time was too long to satisfy task requirements due to the small output torque of the ordinary momentum wheels.First of all,a combined configuration solution of momentum wheels was proposed by adding a series of large-torque flywheels along the roll axis to an ordinary momentum wheel assembly,and a corresponding control approach was designed to integrate the closed-loop feedback control of the ordinary momentum wheels with the open-loop feedforward control of the large-torque flywheels.Meanwhile,a feedforward torque distribution law for the large-torque flywheels was adopted to realize the efficient management of the angular momentum of large-torque flywheels,where the output torque was proportional to each flywheel providable angular momentum;together with an angular momentum servo tracking control method,the deviation of the output torque from the command torque caused by the flywheel model uncertainty was mitigated simultaneously.Furthermore,to ensure high attitude stability realization,a disturbance estimator was utilized to accomplish the real time disturbance torque compensation.At last,the effectiveness of the proposed solution and methods was illustrated by the in-orbit application.The application shows that the stabilization time of roll-axis maneuver reduces more than 100s,and the attitude stability error during non-maneuver period is less than 3.75×10-5(°)/s.

Key words:  , attitude control;hybrid flywheel configuration;feedforward control;momentum wheel;large-torque flywheel