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  1. 北京东方科学仪器厂,
  • 发布日期:1987-10-25


Li Hongyi   

  • Online:1987-10-25

摘要: 本文通过典型冲件介绍了锌基合金的成分、机械性能、锌基合金冲模工艺过程,技术经济效益以及提高锌基合金冲模的浇铸质量的几点措施。

关键词: 锌合金, 冲裁模, 工艺过程, 应用

Abstract: Zinc-base alloy die is suitable for small and medium batch production. Its material is Zinc-base alloy and its cost is cheap. The alloy is used instead of steel and cast iron. The mould can be manufactured by casting and the technigue is simple, without requiring precision machines and special heat treatment equipments. The alloy is used in manufacturing main parts of scalping die, drawing die. bending die, stamping die, plastic die and accessory parts of mould. The die can be used to scalp metal plate the thickness of which is about 0.8 to 4 mm and some non-metal plates. Presently, it is widely used in electrical industry, light industry and automobile industry, its application has achieved obvious economic benefits. This paper describes chemical composition and mechanical properties of Zinc-base alloy,the mechansims of Zinc-base alloy die, technology process, economic benefits of the die, and some ways of improving the quality of casting the die.