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  1. 西北工业大学航天学院;
  • 发布日期:2008-08-25

Lunar Soft Landing Rapid Trajectory Optimization Using Direct Collocation Method

Tu Lianghui Yuan Jianping Luo Jianjun Fang Qun (College of Astronautics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072)   

  • Online:2008-08-25

摘要: 介绍了直接配点法在月球探测器软着陆轨道快速优化问题中的应用。首先给出了软着陆最优化控制问题模型,其中状态方程为量纲为1的三自由度模型,性能指标选为燃料消耗最小,控制变量则为推力攻角和推力。终端状态受到速度和高度的约束。然后,应用直接配点法将最优控制问题离散化为非线性规划问题,即将动态优化问题转化为静态参数最优化问题。选取各节点和配点上的状态量和控制量作为优化参数。最后应用基于Matlab语言的SNOPT软件包对参数最优化问题进行求解,该软件包对于求解大型非线性规划问题具有很好的收敛性。仿真结果表明直接配点法对于月球探测器软着陆轨道初始状态量和控制量的取值不敏感,且求解过程具有一定的实时性。因此,直接配点法对于再入轨迹优化问题的求解是可行的。

关键词: 直接配点法, 轨道分析, 软着陆, 月球探测器

Abstract: The application of direct optimization method (direct collocation method & nonlinear programming (NLP)) to lunar probe soft landing trajectory optimization was introduced.Firstly, the model of trajectory optimization control problem to lunar probe soft landing trajectory was established and the equations of motion were simplified respectively based on some reasonable hypotheses.Performance was selected to minimize the fuel consumption.The control variables were thrust attack angle and thrust of engine.Terminal state variable constraints were velocity and altitude constraints.Then,the optimal control problem was transformed into nonlinear programming problem using direct collocation method.The state variables and control variables were selected as optimal parameters at all nodes and collocation nodes.Parameter optimization problem was solved using the SNOPT software package.The simulation results demonstrate that the direct collocation method is not sensitive to lunar soft landing initial conditions;they also show that the optimal solutions of trajectory optimization problem are fairly good in real-time.Therefore, the direct collocation method is a viable approach to lunar probe soft landing trajectory optimization problem.

Key words: Direct collocation method, Orbit analysis, Soft landing