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  1. 中国空间技术研究院,中国空间技术研究院 北京100094,北京100094
  • 发布日期:2007-04-25

Design and Hardware Implementation of Virtual Channel Link Control Unit and VCDU Multiplexing Unit

Zeng Lianlian Yan Chunxiang (China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094)   

  • Online:2007-04-25

摘要: 在深入研究高级在轨系统(AOS)标准和对星载数据系统进行分析的基础上,设计实现了AOS虚拟信道链路控制器和虚拟信道数据单元(VCDU)合路器。该设计采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现高级在轨系统虚拟信道链路控制(VCLC)子层的位流业务和虚拟信道存取(VCA)子层的VCA业务,完成了位流协议数据单元(B_PDU)的构造,VCDU的组装、调度、填充和定界等功能,实现了对整星数据流的统一管理。在卫星的星载数据系统设计中,将有效载荷数据和航天器平台数据合一,形成统一数据流,可以节约频率资源,支持宽带数据传输、实现整星数据流的统一管理,使整个系统更灵活、更开放、更有效,提高卫星的自主管理能力。

关键词: 高级在轨系统, 链路控制器, 信道, 数据管理, 卫星

Abstract: Presented the virtual channel control unit and VCDU(virtual channel data unit) multiplexing unit based on the AOS(advanced orbit system) recommendation,which were prepared by consultative committee of data system.They were designed to support bitstream service and VCA(virtul channel access) service and provide B_PDU(bitstream protocol data unit) construction function,VCDU assembly function,VCDU commutation function,fill generation function and delimiting function.The units were designed by FPGA(field programmable gate array),suit defferent frequences and several sources.The design amalgamates the payload datas and the platform datas,transmits the bitstream through one channel,makes the satellite more agility,more open,more available.The work on this item can saving frequency resources,sustain broad band transmission,boost up the administer ability of the satellite.It is a pre-research program and it is the implementations of advanced orbiting data systems,which are used on satellites.