Chinese Space Science and Technology ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 135-142.doi: 10.16708/j.cnki.1000-758X.2025.0013

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Information synchronization method for large scale and high dynamic constellation network

KONG Xianglei,SUN Yishu,WU Xueyou,GAO Jianwei,TIAN Zhixin*   

  1. Institute of Spacecraft Application System Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China
  • Received:2023-08-11 Revision received:2023-10-12 Accepted:2023-10-30 Online:2025-01-23 Published:2025-02-01

Abstract: A distributed autonomous mission planning information synchronization method is proposed for large-scale constellation. Due to the periodic movement of satellites, the large-scale constellation is at a high dynamic change. Considering the frequent switching of satellite-ground or inter-satellite task transmission links, the constellation network is split in the discrete time domain. Combining the regularity and unpredictability of constellation network topology, two kinds of constellation information synchronization methods are proposed. When the satellite state is predictable, distributed onboard autonomous collaborative decision-making can be achieved. When the satellite state is unpredictable, a new design method is introduced. The two methods significantly reduce the dependence on ground resources and improve the intelligence and execution ability of autonomous mission planning of constellation. Simulation verifies the effectiveness of the theory.

Key words: large scale constellation, high dynamic network, decentralized interaction, information synchronization